
NDUS reports rebound in student retention, graduation rates

NDUS reports rebound in student retention, graduation rates

BISMARCK, N.D. 鈥 According to data reported to the federal (IPEDS) this month, the 91porn官方 University System (NDUS) saw an increase in student retention rates for the 2023 school year. Systemwide, retention was at 75%, rebounding to match pre-pandemic levels in 2018 and 2020.

The University of 91porn官方 reported the highest retention rate at 83%, which is the highest ever for an NDUS institution since the system began tracking data in 1990.

Additionally, 19% of students systemwide transferred from one NDUS institution to another institution within the NDUS.

鈥淲hether it鈥檚 an associate or bachelor鈥檚 degree or even certificates and stackable credentials, students are persevering in their programs to pursue opportunities in the workforce,鈥 said NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott. 鈥淭hese are encouraging numbers and I want to thank the N.D. State Board of Higher Education, our presidents, faculty and staff for creating abundant pathways for our students to achieve success.鈥

For 4-year institutions, retention rate is the percentage of full-time, first-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduates from the previous fall who enroll in the current fall semester. For all other institutions, retention rate is the percentage of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates from the previous fall who are again enrolled in the current fall semester.

The NDUS also experienced its highest systemwide rate at 57%, which is an 8% increase over the past decade. NDUS 2-year colleges had a combined graduation rate of 48% while the 4-year universities had a 61% combined graduation rate. Both of those beat national averages for public institution, which were 31% for 2-year colleges and 59% for 4-year universities.

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