
NDUS Privacy Policy

Data Policy

The SBHE, the NDUS, and NDUS institutions are committed to responsibly collecting, storing, and using the of students, while protecting student PII from unauthorized access or disclosure. reflects the reality that students are the owners of their PII and should control access to and distribution of their PII to the greatest extent possible, but many NDUS programs and technologies require student PII to function for the students’ benefit. This Policy outlines student rights related to the privacy and security of their educational and personal data.


What kinds of information do we collect?

NDUS Institutions and Core Technology Services (CTS) collect, store, and share student data only as necessary. Information and access to view a report documenting PII collected by institutions and CTS is found in the last section of this page. The report is reflective of PII elements that are covered by the above policy. Systems are reviewed periodically with systems added, edited, or decommissioned as needed.


How do we use this information?

NDUS CTS uses PII in systems such as email, learning management, and student information to support learning and conduct business.


How is this information shared?

PII is shared with institutions in the NDUS where the student is enrolled and with vendors and contractors as needed to function for the students’ benefit.


How do I receive a detailed report of my stored information?

Current Active students: Login to the appropriate report page with your NDUS credentials and multi-factor authentication to view a detailed report that outlines applications (with descriptions and benefits) and the PII that is collected and how it is stored and shared.


Non-active students:
NDUS Campus Reports:
contact the appropriate department at your  to request a copy of the report.


CTS Report: contact the NDUS HelpDesk to request the Student Data Privacy Report at: 1.866.457.6387 or NDUS.HelpDesk@NDUS.edu or visit .

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

Request terminology: request the Student Data Privacy Report.

Validation information: you will be asked to provide verification of your identity.

Email address: provide a current email address where the report can be sent.